Just because it is hard to do, does not mean it is impossible to achieve

Just because it is hard to do, does not mean it is impossible to achieve

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Women's Health Issues

Cardiovascular Health

To the heart of the matter

Gynecological and Obstetrical Problems

The Biological Timeclock

Problems conceiving: the biochemical problems of later marriages and waiting

Middle Age and Older

This can't be happening to me . . .

The Ultimate Fear

No age limits

The new statistics are staggering: women have caught up with men in the realm of heart disease and heart attacks. In fact heart disease is now the leading cause of death in women, not breast cancer. Heart issues increase after menopause. In addition to unhealthy life choices, chronic unmanaged stress, anxiety, and worry underwrite heart disease. Women's cardiac symptoms often present uniquely, unlike those of men. I am an active advocate of efforts to bring focus and attention to women's health issues, particularly women's cardiovascular health.

The gynecologist is central in a woman's life. Visiting the gynecologist is an experience all women share, yet it is often the place we feel most alone.

In the examining room, we lie in the most vulnerable position, discreetly covered by a sheet, trying to keep still. Every woman, and every girl who's reached menarche, goes through this exam yearly (if not more often).

Sometimes, the doctor delivers good news, sometimes bad.

I have many years of experience dealing with the emotional psychological reaction to the various challenges that present themselves to women. Those range from anxiety navigating the normal parts of a woman's reproductive life about choice of birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, pregnancy, decision making surrounding having an abortion, hormone replacement therapy, and all that is related to menopause including the higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

And then there is the fear and anxiety related to a cancer diagnosis. Many women are not aware of the cancer-related risks of obesity. For instance, approximately 70 to 90 percent of women with estrogen-dependent endometrial cancer (also known as Type 1 endometrial cancer) are obese.

Whether you are facing something that terrifies you, shames you, or makes you sad or confused, I can help. The mind and the body are in continual conversation. We are just beginning to understand this very powerful connection. There are certain things in life we can control, and others that are out of our control. There's no doubt that a safe place to talk without worrying about a spouse's or a friend's inability to really understand can be of immense benefit. Whatever your situation is, you don't have to go through it alone.

Call me for a private consultation to see how I can help you.

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