Just because it is hard to do, does not mean it is impossible to achieve

Just because it is hard to do, does not mean it is impossible to achieve

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Weight Regulation, Eating Disorders, Body Image

Have you ever wondered why you are so capable in so many other areas of your life, but not in your interaction with food?

Does this sound like you?

I can help you learn:

You now have an opportunity to work on this problem in Individual Psychotherapy or in either of two group settings:

1. Weight Matters
B.I.T.E. The Body Image Transformation Experience®

2. The Next Step — Moving On from Bulimianorexia

The former is designed for those who stuggle with issues of overeating, overweight, or obesity who want to solve their eating regulation issues once and for all. The latter is for those who are in recovery from bulimianorexia who want to gain a deeper understanding and master skills to help them move on to a more comfortable relationship with themselves, with others, and with food.

Both are offered annually.

Do call my office directly at (212) 362-6019 or fill out the contact form in my website so that we can set up a consultation to see which option is the best choice for you.

Photos above by permission of Getty Images — download, republication, retransmission, reproduction, or other use, of these images prohibited.