Weight Regulation, Eating Disorders, Body Image
Have you ever wondered why you are so capable in so many other areas of your life, but not in your interaction with food?
Does this sound like you?
- You understand all about food, weight, obesity and even emotional components of yourself but you've still not lost weight
- You are miserable with this constant struggle
- You use food to regulate feelings, tension, impulses, or anxiety
- You use compensatory activities and self induced vomiting to regulate your moods and food intake
- You are in "eat" before you know it, and can't remember how you got there
- You put all of your important goals on hold until you can figure out what to do about your eating, weight and body image
- Your internal emotional life remains flat and lacking
- You see yourself as "fat, ugly, unlovable, and unworthy"
- Part of you feels stuck at a very early age, still listening to an old story about yourself and the world
- Your "call to food" trumps staying present and seeing food simply as food
- You've lost weight, but without the internal change to correspond with weight lost
I can help you learn:
- What food does for you — your own intimate food story
- What your compensatory activities do for you
- To decode your ancient history with your today life
- What you are hungry for - "Name it to Tame it"
- The difference between impulse and "I'm hungry"
- Contemplative regulatory techniques
- Not to be so frightened and reactive to internal struggle
- To stay present within yourself and not turn to food
- Develop a sense of your self worth regardless of your weight
- Self love and self worth
You now have an opportunity to work on this problem in Individual Psychotherapy or in either of two group settings:
1. Weight Matters
B.I.T.E. The Body Image Transformation Experience®
2. The Next Step — Moving On from Bulimianorexia
The former is designed for those who stuggle with issues of overeating, overweight, or obesity who want to solve their eating regulation issues once and for all. The latter is for those who are in recovery from bulimianorexia who want to gain a deeper understanding and master skills to help them move on to a more comfortable relationship with themselves, with others, and with food.
Both are offered annually.
Do call my office directly at (212) 362-6019 or fill out the contact form in my website so that we can set up a consultation to see which option is the best choice for you.
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